Category: Resources
Blending Psychotherapy & Meditation
Today we’re sharing our view on how meditation can inform psychotherapy and help take it to the next level. This isn’t only important if you’re a therapist of some kind or a patient but also if you’re just a growing human being and you’re unsure about how psychology and how meditation fit together. We’ll ultimately…
Using Immersive Gardens to Destress
Let’s discuss how to use immersive gardens to destress and tap into a sense of calm you might not experience often. Though immersive gardens are designed for visitors to let go, there’s a series of do’s and don’ts to follow if you want to get the most out of your experience. What is an Immersive…
Rebalancing The Nervous System
Let’s understand the basics of nervous system functioning and how to rebalance it for greater control and clarity in moments of stress. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System The Autonomic Nervous System or ANS is the branch of the nervous system responsible for regulating systems like heart rate, blood pressure and the digestive process. It’s split…
Body Meditation and Its Power
Let’s discuss body meditation and its impact on our health. If we want to take charge of our health, it’s crucial we’re in touch with our body and mind and learn to discern their signals. With this knowledge we’re in a much better position to make changes and care for ourselves. Meditation is one of…
The Default Mode Network and Its Health Impact
Knowing about the Default Mode Network, and learning how to regulate it, is a huge step towards better mental health. Pay attention to your mind and its constant activity throughout the day, and you’re seeing this network at work. The Essential Neuroscience The Default Mode Network is the collection of brain regions that are highly…
Fight-or-Flight Mode and Chronic Stress
Let’s talk about the features of fight-or-flight mode, why we enter it, and how to remain in control during moments of stress. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be incredibly resilient and remain composed even when buffeted by formidable life problems, while others are knocked over at the slightest rock of the…